A complete app for hosts & guests

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A highly versatile app dedicated to accommodation providers and their guests.
Hosts can share exclusive with every specific guest, taking in account its vacation dates and chosen property.

This comprises:
 - roadmaps
 - house rules
 - check-in and check-out instructions
 - alerts and reminders
 - recommendations
 ...and more.

Furthermore, when enabled the application offers suggestions taylored to guests' wishes and needs. This in full confidentiality as HiSpots does not collect users data for third parties.

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The app is intuitive and easy to use. It offers a wide range of features such as geolocation, auto-translation, video, etc.

Hosts can manage content based on their experience as locals: sites of interest, activities, services, etc. They can offer upsell products and manage this directly with their guests.

The app is available in unlimited languages. It comes in a free version and a paying one with full features.

When coupled with Travelboard, Guestbuddy offers a unique point of information and purchase.

Guestbuddy in the platform

This application is part of the HiSpots platform, an online system supporting an unlimited number of extensions.

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The illustration shows the information flow: users upload and update their content. Depending on specifications and users choices, content is directed to the right channel, app or website.

HiSpots can, among others:
 - be implemented in any geographical area in a matter of clicks
 - allow unlimited types of users with dedicated panels
 - be presented in an unlimited number of languages
 - fetch content to any 3rd party website or server, with fully customisable layout

Another way to visualize the platform is a tree trunk supporting as many branches - namely apps - as we just want to attach. Every one of these enjoys all the features of the base application: maps & geolocation, translations, etc.